Great is Thy Faithfulness


*Beginner LevelGreat is Thy Faithfulness is a hymn written by Thomas O. Chisholm that is based on the Bible verses found in Lamentations 3:22-23.


Listen to the beginner piano arrangement of Great is Thy Faithfulness.

Thomas O. Chisholm wrote the poem in 1923 about God’s faithfulness over his lifetime. Chisholm sent the song to William Runyan in Kansas, who was affiliated with both the Moody Bible Institute and Hope Publishing Company. Runyan set the poem to music, and it was published that same year by Hope Publishing Company and became popular among church groups. The lyrics reference Lamentations 3:22-23. The song was exposed to wide audiences after becoming popular with Dr. William Henry Houghton of the Moody Bible Institute and Billy Graham, who used the song frequently on his international crusades.