The Apostles’ Creed

One day after morning worship service, a member of our church approached me. He had in his hand a copy of a song that he grew up singing in Holland. It was the Apostles’ Creed. He wanted to see if we might be able to incorporate it in our time of singing. I took it home. As I reviewed it, I began to tinker with the melody. Soon, I had come up with an entirely different, new tune. I consider it a great, and awe-inspiring privilege to write a contemporary melody for such ancient words–words that the saints have confessed for hundreds of years. This song is dedicated to our friend Nico Bouwkamp.

Click here to learn more about the Apostles’ Creed.


I believe in God the Father,
Maker of the heaven and earth;
and in Jesus Christ our Savior,
God’s own son, of matchless worth;
By the spirit was conceived;
of the virgin Mary born,
He in Whom I have believed;
God Almighty, the three in One.

Suffered under Pontius Pilate,
crucified, for me He died;
Laid within the grave so silent,
gates of Hell He opened wide;
For the stone-sealed tomb was empty,
on the third day He arose;
Into Heaven made His entry,
Mighty conquerer of His foes.

God’s right hand He is seated,
’til His coming, as He said;
Final judgement will be meted
to the living and the dead;
I confess the Holy Spirit,
Who was sent through Christ the Son,
To apply salvation’s merit,
God’s own Spirit, the three in One.

I believe the Church of Jesus
universal, e’er remains.
We are one through all the ages,
in communion of the saints.
I believe sins are forgiven,
that our bodies will be raised,
To eternal life in Heaven.
Praise His name, amen, amen!

Click below for your free download of the sheet music.

The Apostles' Creed